Afghanistan ITF Federation organized ITF Championship on the occasion of 103 independence anniversary on 25 and 26 August 2022 between 130 athletes from Baghlan, Kundoz, Badakhshan, Maidan Wardak, Ghazni, Ningarhar, Kabul provinces and Afghan Marifat Academy in three categories (individual, team and form) with the following results:
– Kabul 20 gold, 16 Silver and 8 Bronze,
– Maidan Wardak 6 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze,
– Baghlan 4 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze,
– Kundoz 2 Gold and 1 Silver,
– Ningarhar 1Gold, 6 Silver and 3 Bronze,
– Ghazni 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 4 Bronze,
– Badakhshan 1 Gold and 1 Bronze.
At the end Afghanistan ITF Federation and General Directorate of Physical Education and Sports have distributed Medals and Certificates to the athletes.
Media Dept. Afghanistan ITF Federation