International Taekwon-Do Federation Chinese Taipei Association collaborated with Taekwon-Do ITF Vietnam this year to hold a Taekwon-Do Technical Seminar on Biomechanics and Generation of Power in Taekwon-Do, along with deeper explanation on the training secrets. In addition, the seminar also delved into the topic of injury prevention and management of them during training.

This unique seminar had been held for the first time in Asia under the guidance of Master Mariusz Steckiewicz, member of the ITF Asia Development Team. The event was hosted by Sbn Carlos Machado, Head Instructor of Hwa-Rang Martial Arts Center. Although Taekwon-Do was developed scientifically, there is little emphasis on day-to-day training, therefore the seminar was an innovative approach to the scientific side of Taekwon-Do.
The seminar took place in Taipei on the island of Taiwan, on June 8, just one day before the 2024 Taekwon-Do Taipei Open. More than 30 participants from different regions such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan were present for the event. This seminar was a great opportunity to strengthen ties between practitioners and instructors in Asia.
Master Mariusz Steckiewicz is an 8th degree black belt, a professional ACE (American Council on Exercise) Certified Personal Trainer, and a sports coach who’s currently based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Master Steckiewicz has been into sports since his early teenage years, along with his great passion for Taekwon-Do. He came to Taiwan for the first time to share his knowledge and coaching experience on the two main topics that captivated the interest of all participants (with translation was provided by Ms. Katia Lin).

The seminar bridged the gap between scientific theory and practical execution, offering attendees hands-on experience that they can directly apply to their daily training. It was a great opportunity to learn beyond the typical scope of technical correction we used to do. We went through exercises to develop power, which directly impacts the effectiveness of every strike, block, and kick.
Master Mariusz gave us a glimpse of how important breath control is by explaining along with many other elements of the training secrets. The second part of the seminar covered some topics related to injury prevention during our daily training routine and strategies/exercises to avoid them.
Understanding how to recognize early signs of potential injury and implementing preventive measures can significantly enhance the longevity of one’s training. All the topics covered the knowledge to train smarter and safer, which is valuable for sustaining a lifelong journey in Taekwon-Do.
The seminar was not only for practitioners seeking to elevate their skills but also for instructors looking to refine their teaching methods in their classes.
ITF Chinese Taipei extends its gratitude to Master Mariusz for his help in developing Taekwon-Do in the region, besides teaching this successful seminar, Master Mariusz also held a Black Belt Grading Test in which Mr. Yen-Zheng Huang was promoted to 3rd Dan. He also assisted us in the 2024 Taekwon-Do Taipei Open as an umpire for the Black Belt Senior Individual Patterns division.