The 3rd meeting of the Business and Marketing Committee was held on the 12th September 2020 with special guest Grand Master Paul Weiler. Members present were Dr. Sabum Olga Shurchkov (USA) , Sabum Florencia Manifesto (Aregentina), Sabum Bolun Dia (China), Dr. Sabum Gerardo Rossel (Argentina) and Chairman Sabum Ryan Rampair (Trinidad and Tobago). Issues discussed focused on developing a framework for advancing the ITF Sponsorship and Fundraising infrastructure, Conducting a Membership survey to create tools and programmes to help instructors improve their Dojang Business activities, and the Data system required to establish an online store, e University, Mentorship program and a TKD App to help instructors better manage their schools and engage with their students. Plans to expand the committee with staff members from each continent with specialized skills to develop and operationalize the approved projects were also discussed. Please send your resume to the Chairman of the Business and Marketing Committee at [email protected] if you are interested in being a staff member of the committee.