The International Instructor’s Course “IIC WIEN 2023” took place in Austria’s capital, Vienna. The 170th IIC made history by hosting the largest number of participants ever seen on the continent. It brought together a diverse community of over 500 practitioners from 33 different nations. Among those 500 participants was also the highest number of high-ranking guests attending:

From the technical committee: Grand Master Héctor Marano, Grand Master Ung Kim Lan and Master Jerzy Jedut and their special guest Master Virginia Dionisi.
From the ITF board of directors: president Grand Master Paul Weiler, vice-president Master Annick VanDriessche and member Martina Lenhardtová and additional Grand Masters: Grand Master Per Andresen, Grand Master Rolf Becking, Grand Master Panagiotis Gialamas, Grand Master Ray Nicolaisen, Grand Master James Tjin-A-Ton and Grand Master Frank Vanberghen.
Despite facing the last-minute challenge of a cancelled sports hall, the organising committee managed to overcome this hurdle and successfully executed the event, showcasing their dedication and perseverance. Because of the catastrophic events in the middle east, the originally booked Jewish sports hall was unavailable only days before the event but the Austrian organising committee overcame all obstacles and the IIC could be held without further disruptions.
The 3-day event was opened with the banquet in the heart of Vienna’s enchanting “Heurigen” district. The evening provided a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and to also make new ones. After a variation of typical Viennese food people enjoyed some traditional live music and the company of almost 160 fellow participants.
On Saturday the seminar started with a captivating speech by Grand Master Weiler, eloquently addressing not only the shared passion of ITF Taekwon-Do but also emphasizing the profound importance of building a more peaceful world.
Afterwards the course featured a variety of sessions covering different skill levels. The Technical Committee (Grand Master Hector Marano , Grand Master Kim Lan Ung & Master Jerzey Jedut) covered topics from basic movement to advanced techniques and participants had the chance to enhance their Taekwon-Do skills under the guidance of experienced instructors. In addition to the technical committee, Master Virginia Dionisi graced the occasion as a special guest and left practitioners wanting more.

The day ended with the women’s get-together, which successfully gathered 22 participants from various corners of Europe for an evening filled with delicious food and engaging conversations after a short “Lilliput Railway“ride through the Viennese Prater. The evening helped the ITF women feel connected and strengthened the bonds that unite them.

On Sunday, the technical committee once again demonstrated their exceptional skills and expertise. Throughout the entire weekend, the committee demonstrated its dedication to assisting practitioners in their growth and development in Taekwon-Do.
The organising committee would like to thank all 500 participants for putting their trust in them and being part of the biggest IIC in European history.
The Organization Committee
Christina Mechaček, Master René Walter, Elmar Kickingereder

Proud to have attended this IIC, especially the organization committee who had to change the vennue days before the start of the IIC.
I am honored for having been instructed by GM Marano and GM Ung Kim Lan who promoted me to VIIIth degree.
Thank you Grandmasters!
Looking forward to the next IIC in Europe!