On 14 th and 15 th May, the 2nd International Harmony Course was held in Montevideo (Uruguay), organized by Sabumnim Gabriel Colina.
It was led by Sabumnim Gastón Casero, Chairman of the Harmony Committee, with an amount of 37 participants from Uruguay and Argentina (there was even an Instructor from Ushuaia, in Argentina, the southernmost city in the world). Everyone took actively part in the Course, which included theory and practice, and became interested in bringing this new ITF Program into practice.
On Saturday, we worked on knowing the possibilities and limitations of people this course is made for. We also talked about which factors should be enhanced, and some recommendations were given to help Seniors practice Taekwon-Do.
The Course was followed by different Argentinian and Uruguayan media. This will contribute to a better and more efficient diffusion of the Program and its benefits.
On Sunday, under the supervision of Sabumnim Casero, there was a class open to everyone. All the Instructors could put into practice what they learned the day before. The participants showed their satisfaction with the Program, and they are now willing to join the regular classes that are going to start soon in Uruguay.
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