Cuando el General Choi Hong-Hi falleció en un hospital de Pyongyang el 15 de junio de 2002, no solo nos dejó el presidente de la ITF, sino también el fundador del arte marcial del Taekwon-Do, que hoy en día no tiene igual.
¡El General Choi fue y es insustituible y nunca será olvidado!
Sin embargo, él sigue vivo en su legado: el TKD y, por lo tanto, es omnipresente.
La tarea de nuestra generación es preservar esta memoria recordándolo y transmitiendo este recuerdo a la próxima generación.
¡Gracias General Choi!
Alguien que tuvo el contacto más cercano con el General Choi fuera de su familia es HGM Tom MacCallum, ex Secretario General de la ITF y ahora Presidente de la ITF GMPC. Le he pedido a HGM MacCallum que nos dé su perspectiva.
Por mi parte no tengo nada que agregar a su declaración ya que menciona todo lo que es importante decir.
GM Paul Weiler
Presidente de la ITF

“General Choi Hong Hi is a historical figure who should never be forgotten, especially by his own countrymen and Taekwon-Do (TKD) practitioners. Unfortunately, politics have come to make some people try to hide his name. This is the man who is “the FOUNDER OF TKD” and not “someone who had some influence” as some people would have you believe. General Choi’s divided country of Korea had the opportunity to make TKD a great ambassador for their country and make their country beloved to the world in general. However, they chose to try to take his “child” from him that led to the current situation where different groups criticise each other and thus TKD does not have as much success as it surely deserves. To this end I am reminded to tell practitioners that I, as a person who was present (June 11th. 2002) when Gen Choi spoke his “last words”, would like to emphasize the necessity to remember such a great man forever. From his very generous last words to me I pride myself that I have followed his philosophy and vision to the best of my ability. When the last words were spoken there were members of the ITF present which included, Rhee Ki Ha, Hwang Kwang Sung, Park Jong Soo, Tom MacCallum, Leong Wai Meng, Hwang-Jin, and Jong Jae Hun. General Choi spoke about us all. This may help you to understand why I am very keen that you remember this man who gave us so much. Think of the people who owe their livelihood to him or those who have been saved by his philosophy. I beg you to always revere this legend that gave so much to us and always have him in your mind.”
Thank you,
HGM MacCallum!
El Legado dejado por el General Choi Hong Hi continuará por siempre, es una llama que nunca se extinguirá, día a día toma más fuerza, mientra existan practicantes de Taekwon-Do ITF.