The 180th International Instructor Course (IIC) took place from September 13 to 15, 2024, in Tampere, Finland. Hosted by Black Eagle Taekwon-Do Finland, this highly anticipated event was supported by the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and ITF Taekwon-Do Finland. A total of 150 participants from eight countries attended the seminar, representing Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Senegal, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Finland.
The IIC was led by three esteemed Grand Masters:
- Grand Master Hector Marano (Argentina)
- Grand Master Ung Kim Lan (Germany)
- Grand Master Jerzy Jedut (Poland)

The event focused on a range of key Taekwon-Do topics, including:
- Fundamental techniques
- Patterns
- Various forms of sparring
- Self-defense
Seminar Highlights
Day 1: Friday, September 13, 2024
The seminar commenced at 14:00 with a warm welcome and an invigorating warm-up session conducted by Grand Master Jerzy Jedut. The first day was dedicated to a comprehensive review of color belt patterns, providing participants with a detailed breakdown of techniques and corrections. After an intensive training session, participants enjoyed a traditional Finnish sauna to relax and recover.

Day 2: Saturday, September 14, 2024
The second day began at 9:00 and concluded at 16:00. The day’s agenda included:
- Patterns for 1st to 3rd degree black belts
- Various forms of sparring
- Practical self-defense techniques
The instructors provided a deep dive into each of these areas, ensuring that participants received clear and in-depth explanations. The evening ended with a banquet at Varala, where participants and instructors shared experiences and built camaraderie.
Day 3: Sunday, September 15, 2024
The final day of the seminar started at 9:00 and ended at 13:00. This session focused on:
- Patterns for 4th to 6th degree black belts
- A comprehensive review of lower-degree patterns
- A closing sparring session led by Grand Master Jedut
The IIC concluded with a final address from the Grand Masters, expressing their gratitude and encouragement for all participants to continue their journey in Taekwon-Do with renewed energy and focus.
Feedback and Reviews
The seminar received high praise from participants and instructors alike.
- Grand Master Hector Marano commended the number of participants, the excellent facilities, and the smooth organization of the event.
- Sabum Dorota Mazur shared her appreciation for the flawless organization and the smaller group size, which allowed for more in-depth instruction. She also highlighted the close connection with the technical committee, which made the learning experience even more accessible and enriching.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Grand Masters for sharing their invaluable expertise and experience throughout the course. Special thanks to all participants, as well as everyone who contributed to the success of the event. We also would like to thank Varala Sports institute especially Marita Kivistö who’s support has been amazing. Finally all our volunteers led by Annika Nieminen and our photographer Nelli Malmivaara. We look forward to future seminars and the continued growth of the Taekwon-Do community.
MASTER Thierry Meyour