Place and date of birth: Talar de Pacheco, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on February 7, 1982.
Year the practice started: I started practicing Taekwon-Do in 1988 because at school I suffered an attack by a classmate, who caused me a face injury.
Detail of her sports achievements:
- Canada 96, Pan American champion youth individual Sparring.
- Russia 97 (Saint Petersburg), World Cup n ° IX.
- World silver in individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Bronze in Team Patterns.
- India 98 (New Delhi), Youth World Cup.
- Gold on Special Techniques.
- Bronze individual Sparring more than 60 kilos.
- Bronze in individual Pattern I give.
- Gold in Team Pattern.
- Gold in Team Special Techniques.
- Silver in Team Sparring.
- Argentina 99 (Buenos Aires), Adult World No. X.
- Gold in Team Special Techniques.
- Silver in Team Sparring.
- Silver in Team Pattern.
- North Korea 2000 (Pyongyang), World Youth Championship.
- Gold individual Sparring more than 60 kg.
- Bronze in individual Pattern I DAN.
- Bronze on Special Techniques.
- Silver in Team Sparring.
- Bronze for Team Special Techniques.
- Bronze in Team Pattern.
- Italy 2001 (Rimini), World Cup adults no. XI.
- Bronze in individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Bronze on Special Technique.
- Bronze in individual Pattern I DAN.
- Bronze in Team Sparring.
- Bronze for team Special Techniques.
- Uruguay 2001 (Punta del Este), Pan American.
- Gold in individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Gold in Special Techniques.
- Gold in Power Test.
- Silver in Pattern.
- Overall Female. Best Female Competitor of the Pan American.
- Poland 2003 (Warsaw), Adult World Cup n ° XII.
- Gold individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Silver in Team Sparring.
- Argentina 2005 (Mar del Plata), Pan American.
- Gold in individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Gold in Special Techniques.
- Gold in individual Pattern.
- Silver in Power Test.
- Overall Female. Best Female Competitor of the Pan American.
- Argentina 2009 (Mar del Plata), XV World Adult Championship.
- Gold in individual Sparring up to 70 kilos.
- Bronze in Team Sparring.
- Argentina 2010 (La Plata), Pan American.
- Gold in individual Sparring up to 75 kilos.
- Gold in Team Sparring.
- New Zealand 2011. XVII Adult World Cup.
- Bronze in individual Sparring more than 70 kilos.
- Bronze in Team Sparring.
- Chile 2012. XI Pan American.
- Gold in Team Sparring.
- Jamaica 2014, World Cup.
- Bronze in Sparring more than 75 kilos.
- Gold in Team Sparring.
- Paraguay 2014, XII Pan American.
- Gold in Team Sparring.
- Silver in Power Test.
- Argentina 2016 (Buenos Aires), XIII Pan American.
- Gold in individual Sparring.
- Ireland 2017, World Championship.
- Gold in Power Test.
- Bronze in individual Sparring.
- Women’s Overall, Best Women’s Competitor of the World Cup.
- Germany 2019, World Championship.
- ITF Outstanding Personality Award for the Hall of Fame.

Other achievements and recognitions
- US Open World Cup 2016.
- Silver in Sparring.
- US Open World Cup 2017.
- Gold in Sparring.
- US Open World Cup 2018.
- Gold in Sparring.
- National champion (Argentina) in color belt and Dan category for 17 years.
- South American and Pan American, 23 medals in the form, fight, power break and skill break specialties.
- Prize for the Best Competitor, Punta del Este, Uruguay 2001 and in Mar del Plata, Argentina 2004.
Who was your coach?
Until 2006 it was Ernesto Figueredo and, from 2008, Marcos Favalli.
What was the training routine like?
At my best moment of competition were twice a day, 6 days a week. I trained with the national team and later, individually, with my Master and I also did physical preparation.
During the last three years of high school, I could only train the days off since they did not justify my training with the National Team and that caused me absences.
What was the best moment in a world cup?

My mom had never been able to see me participating in international competitions because she had difficulty walking.
At the 2009 World Championships in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the opportunity was given when she was able to be present and I was able to give her the satisfaction of being a champion !!! So I ran from the area to where I was to give her the biggest hug I had ever given her before !!!
What was the worst moment in your professional career?
In 2005, the ITF division affected my sports career because I cannot participate in the selective championships.
A month before traveling to the World Cup in Germany 2005, my Master chose one of the ITF lines and I decided to follow it. In this way, my uninterrupted participation in World Cups was cut, paradoxically when I was at my best. The latter led me to a crisis with Taekwon-Do, moments of anguish and many questions that were not answered.
In 2011, during training with the national team before traveling to the South American, I broke my knee ligaments and menisci, an injury that took me four years to fully recover.
Who was inspired by? Who was your competing idol?
Noemí Prone, for being a complete competitor in all items.
Sacrifices. What was the biggest effort you had to face to achieve your sports dream?
The biggest efforts were always to save money.
My dad abandoned us, my mom worked tirelessly as a cleaning lady to pay for my training, my tournaments and my trips. My teacher organized raffles, events and bingos to help me and my mom meet my goals.
I didn’t always win; I wasn’t always good. It took me many years of training and training more than others, with nothing in my pockets but money for the bus to go train.
You always had to choose. I didn’t have a 15th birthday and I didn’t go on graduate trips, but I don’t regret it because I always chose well, I chose Taekwon-Do.
How did the values of Taekwon-Do influence your preparation?
I can say without a doubt that Taekwon-Do saved me!!!
I lived in a humble neighborhood where bad habits are easily acquired. I could have chosen the wrong path and strayed, but I never had free time to be bored. 24/7 thinking about Taekwon-Do, new goals, tournaments and, above all, training!
My Taekwon-Do friends never had bad behavior.
Whenever I was away from home, I thought I should be an example because I trained Taekwon-Do.
What are the values of the TKD that contributed the most to its development?
Perseverance is my favorite word.
It was not by far the best in my class, but my hard work ended up beating the talent of others.
Also discipline. Be disciplined, ready to learn from everyone.
What are your main recommendations for future practitioners?
Let them be ambitious.
May they have a strong desire to outdo themselves!!!
That they defend their dreams and that, in this way, the results will be perfectly proportional to their efforts.
That they believe in themselves, that they believe that they can make a difference with hard work.
Taekwon-Do class has to be synonymous with joy and happiness.
Keep in mind that Taekwon-Do is a friend that never left me alone; Taekwon-Do will always be there for us when we need it.