Dear Grandmasters, Masters and Instructors!
I hope that this contribution reaches you all in good health!
While the corona crisis is decreasing in some countries, it is increasing sharply in other parts of the world and still affects our daily lives. Our thoughts are with those who are currently severely affected.
In the history of TKD there are many remarkable dates and among the most important ones:
09 November 1918 Birthday of the Taekwon-Do Founder Choi, Hong-Hi
11 April 1955 Public announcement of Taekwon-Do naming
22 March 1966 Foundation of the International Taekwon-Do Federation
15 June 2002 Date of death of General Choi, Hong-Hi
All the above mentioned data are of great importance for the TKD family and if you enter the name Choi Hong-Hi in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, you will find these historical data and articles about the life and work of the Taekwon-Do Founder. In the line of the famous martial art founders (e.g. Jigoro Kano = Judo, Morihei Ueshiba = Aikido and Gichin Funakochi = Shotokan Karate) he was the last great personality who still travelled at the age of nearly 84 years to teach his martial art to his students all over the world.
His courses were an absolute “must” for every serious TKD student because meeting him or learning from him was like “drinking straight from the spring”.
His aura was literally palpable!
Those who have experienced him and learned from him will miss him and it is a pity for the younger Taekwon-Do generation that they did not get to know him.
His legacy is a martial art that is second to none!
Millions of students worldwide have learned and passed on this martial art since the foundation of TKD. By commemorating him on the day he died and by reminding us of his work, we contribute to preserving his legacy and this should be the duty of us all – to preserve his martial art in its origin.
In memory of the Taekwon-Do Founder General Choi Hong-Hi and with deep respect!
GM Paul Weiler, ITF President