ICC 4 Stratford upon Avon -England
Stratford upon Avon Warmckshire, England, United KingdomICC Official Invite 2015
ICC Official Invite 2015
TOP TEN ITALIAN OPEN - 2015 Edition Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and Competitors, Hereby we would like to invite you to the TOP TEN ITALIAN OPEN that will be held in Castellanza-Legnano (near Milan), in the sportshall PalaBorsani, on Sunday November 29th, 2015 and it is dedicated to Pattern and Sparring competitions. The event …
2016 North American QUIC January 23.24 2016 Vancouver, Canada In preparation for the 2016 World Cup in Budapest, Hungary and the 2017 World Championships in Dublin, Ireland I am pleased to announce that Jon Sun’s Taekwon-Do will host the official 2016 North American Qualifying International Umpire Course REGISTRATION OPEN
Grand Masters, Masters, Coaches, Umpires, Competitors and Instructors,It´s a privilege for me to send you this email to invite you to the 2016 Edition of the Open Dutch at the 24th of January. (part of the „Masters Series of ITF-Netherlands)Please find all the Information, Invitation and Inscription Form at the website of the Open Dutch …
Schedule Harmony