When the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) was established in Seoul (south) Korea in 1966 an early responsibility it took on was to train potential instructors for overseas teaching assignments. The …
21st IUC – BUDAPEST – 2015 – Official report
The International Umpire Course was a great success. It was conducted by Grand Master Wim Bos, Master Alberto Katz and Master Harry Vones in Budapest (Hungary) on February 14-15, 2015. …
International Kids Course Lima, Peru
With the presence of 35 instructors and black belts from Colombia, Argentina and Peru that were interested in becoming Instructor assistants, the XIII course for teaching kids that is based …
Anti-Doping Control at WC
Dear members, WADA anti-doping control will be in place at the ITF World Championships 2015 in Italy. Please be aware that 10 athletes will be chosen at random to be …
ITF executive committee members visited TAFISA HQ in Frankfurt and held a meeting with TAFISA Officials recently, the meeting was very interesting and we believe positive for the future of …
2015 ITF Umpire Rules & Regulations
As the ITF World Championships in Italy is approaching, it is important that all competitors, coaches, umpires and officials are familiar with the most up to date technical details and …